Competitor information

Competition information 選手須知


 2024 AeroPress 晉級表⬇️

Some updated key rules this year:

  • “5 minutes for the complete process of preparing, brewing, and presenting coffee.”
  • “All components of the AeroPress, including the chamber, plunger, and original filter cap, must be used.”
  • “All components of the AeroPress, including the chamber, plunger, and original filter cap, must be used.”
  • “Other versions of AeroPress Coffee Makers, including but not limited to Go, XL, Premium, and the Flow Control Filter Cap, are not permitted in the competition.”
  • “No other coffee brewer is permitted for use in any aspect of competition. This includes, but is not limited to, brewing methods such as French presses, pour-overs, zero bypass brewers, syphons, or any other alternative brewing devices.”
  • “A maximum of 18g of ground coffee is allowed in each recipe. Competitors are required to prepare a minimum of 150g of brewed coffee.”

Please check the updated full AeroPress official rules by here 




- 有冇指定要用大會提供嘅水?可以帶自己水嗎?

答:參賽者可以用自己的水, 水的味道必須是「中性」的,並且沒有明顯的甜味或摻假。 主審保留品嚐水的權利,如果認為有違規可能禁止其使用。

- 一定要用Арах?
答:同上, 參賽者可以用自己調配的水, 水的味道必須是「中性」的,並且沒有明顯的甜味或摻假。 主審保留品嚐水的權利,如果認為有違規可能禁止其使用。

- Will there any prep time before the 5-minute brewing time?

準備時間內參賽者可以煲水,分類並挑選咖啡豆,磅咖啡豆量,組裝沖泡器,並將過濾網/ 濾紙放入過濾器蓋中。

-沖洗過濾器 預熱/預冷沖煮用具或容器; 或

- 比賽會有豆提供 定係用自己豆?

答: 我地會提前發放練習豆, 並在比賽準備時間前再發放比賽豆, 大家可以選擇以自取或郵寄自付的方式拎練習豆。